Ipfs cat hangs blank


installed ipfs today, daemon runs, init command was successful

go is installed
go version go1.12.1 linux/arm

address was created however using the ipfs cat function basically just prints a new line in my terminal and doesn’t exit the program.

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ipfs cat /ipfs/QmbtEkYCN6f2Z5VySyABvqQ9WkP1y6LyHCYWsR8W7aFis1/readme

I can Ctrl+\ to force stop both the cat process and the daemon and both present debug info. Any pointers as to why it freezes instead of returning an actual error?

That’s your peer id. If you want to access content you have published to your id you must use" /ipns/QmbtEkYCN6f2Z5VySyABvqQ9WkP1y6LyHCYWsR8W7aFis1/readme".

But more likely you are trying to access the readme that comes with every installation, try ipfs cat /ipfs/QmS4ustL54uo8FzR9455qaxZwuMiUhyvMcX9Ba8nUH4uVv/readme

Well yes, I did try ipfs cat /ipfs/QmbtEkYCN6f2Z5VySyABvqQ9WkP1y6LyHCYWsR8W7aFis1/readme, nothing’s happening. I also tried the ipns modification to no avail.

I thought it was a firewall issue but that doesn’t explain why even on the local machine it doesn’t print anything.

EDIT: Ohhhh so it’s a different code. Gotcha. But ipfs cat /ipns/QmbtEkYCN6f2Z5VySyABvqQ9WkP1y6LyHCYWsR8W7aFis1/readme is still blank?

Yeah that’s because you haven’t published anything yet. It’s currently pointing to an empty unix-fs dir

$ ipfs name resolve QmbtEkYCN6f2Z5VySyABvqQ9WkP1y6LyHCYWsR8W7aFis1

To publish the readme dir you can do ipfs name publish /ipfs/QmS4ustL54uo8FzR9455qaxZwuMiUhyvMcX9Ba8nUH4uVv