I see hype about Beaker but I see nothing about Galacteek

Im a new IPFS user and a nontechnical user.
I discovered Galacteek few weeks ago: https://github.com/pinnaculum/galacteek
pinnaculum: https://github.com/pinnaculum did an amazing job with Galacteek for you, the IPFS community.
I see hype about Beaker but I see nothing about Galacteek.
Kills me to see nothing coming from the IPFS community about Galacteek.
Galacteek has been built with IPFS technologies(Pubsub, IPNS etc). Galacteek is for you, the IPFS community. Where is the HYPE?
Built-in Chat(chat #room), Blog, Atom Feeds(works also with standard Feed Reader clients), Editor, IPFessay, Pyramid(persistent IPFS address), Hardbin, Media Player, File Manager and more!
Very user-friendly approach, run as standalone or with external IPFS daemon.
I made a demo video about Galacteek:
Im asking the IPFS community for some help and support. Galacteek need a Windows installer in order to grow.
Plz come help/support and mostly, run Galacteek. Hopefully, I’ll see you guys soon in ‘peers’ or #galacteek
End of rant

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