Who is in SF 8th -> 10th?

I am in SF this weekend from the 7th till the 11th, and I might have some time to meet people!
Who is there? Who wants to meet up? :slight_smile:

Will you be at the even at the Internet Archive on Wednesday 11th, we’ll be showing some IPFS stuff.

Sadly I think I will be busy that day, leaving in the early morning :frowning:
But I would love to! :slight_smile:
What are you going to do?

We are showing a demo for academic documents, looking up DOI’s (Academic Document id’s) then retrieving either from the Archive’s contenthash server, or via an IPFS gateway or via IPFS in the browser.

Banging my head on it at the moment, since the Archive (& IPFS gateway) part works, but the JS-IPFS part tends to crash the browser bad enough to need a reboot, which isn’t so good for demos !

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