We're removing support for the SECIO security transport

by Jacob Heun on 2020-08-07

We’re removing support for the SECIO security transport in IPFS and libp2p. You can mitigate impact to your node(s) by updating to the latest versions. Newer nodes should not experience any signficant change when support is removed, but older nodes will start to experience performance degradation. Read on for more details.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://blog.ipfs.io/2020-08-07-deprecating-secio

Some links appear to be broken:

ipfs resolve -r /ipns/blog.ipfs.io/2020-08-07-deprecating-secio/noise: no link named “noise” under bafybeicsdwzrgip6jnkwdv537six7patbttwwnk7m4nri6tqdubvu56lme

Links should be fixed now

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On first brief reading:

It looks like… but it’s not clear if… the Noise Protocol supports an offline Key Signing Key for the “Static Keypair” that is distinct from the peer ID

This would be a good feature to have…

SECIO is still used in the js-libp2p getting started guide, and possibly some other guides. I guess these should be changed from SECIO to Noise.
