Unable to retrieve files via gateway.ipfs.io

Thanks, Jay. How could I tell if there was a daemon running? Assuming there isnā€™t, how would I fire one up in the browser so that the file gets seeded?

I had a similar problem with my IPFS redirect userscript, and @lidel had a great solution, namely to check whether a png in the WebUI can be accessed or not, meaning IPFS daemon is enabled or not. See here:

How to enable the daemon in the browser, I donā€™t yet know. Maybe someone can chime in.

There is however one node test (start?) function in your index.html, isnā€™t there?

So maybe the problem is of completely different nature. (?)

Yes, there is a node, and I do get the message that the node is online when the site loads, so I guess Iā€™m a bit stymied.

Iā€™m seeing the same issue from time to time. Iā€™m running ipfs version 0.4.17.
Some days first request to the file may take some time but eventually it will come in. Subsequent requests will come in almost immediately. However, today itā€™s spinning forever on my desktop chrome browser. Here is one of the ipfs link https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipns/QmRknUZ69ifupZion2DCMrerEwUZgApqa5dsqEzuF1GYpQ/ or using ipfs gateway directly https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/QmSrDGabFK37MxeU63QW2LYGmhzZFEuAMGjvkTo7YYkN4g/
Hitting the same link on my Pixel 2 phone it works fine though.

In addition to using the local webui (http://localhost:5001/webui) the public one on webui.ipfs.io was helpful to troubleshoot (i.e. configuring api gateway and configuring access control as per https://github.com/ipfs-shipyard/ipfs-webui#configure-ipfs-api-cors-headers).

For some unknown reasons all of the published files are not accessible starting a few days ago. I tried both ipfs and ipns nothing, it just kept spinning. Does anyone know what is happening?

I am going through the same issue. Started ipfs daemon locally and added a file. Once added I tried to access the file using,

  1. ipfs get Qma12EFZ3YZdvBZjX8gJngMTwSTUeQL8GJw6xzYkdKskXj from my local - works
  2. ipfs cat Qma12EFZ3YZdvBZjX8gJngMTwSTUeQL8GJw6xzYkdKskXj from my local - works
  3. https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/Qma12EFZ3YZdvBZjX8gJngMTwSTUeQL8GJw6xzYkdKskXj - loads the page which has scripts to add and retrieve file, the actual file is not loaded.
  4. https://benchmark-js.ipfs.io/#/ tried with the hash, keeps spinning and no response.


  1. I have switched off the firewall in my local to ensure that my ipfs node is accessible, but still not able to view the file added from the gateway.
  2. There are peers connected to my node, however how can I check if those peers have my file synchronised?
  3. Do I need to run more nodes and pin this file in those nodes to load the file via gateway or make it available in internet?

Is there anything else I am missing? Thanks in advance.

I seem to have similar issue I added a zip of a dockerfile and python script. This one still works but if I try to add a second one it just keeps loading. When I try to get it from the IPFS gateway. Could this be a bug or am I doing something wrong

  1. https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmVe5AKnRH6cBFcvVceMMuqBCzXaJe91RLg6FzN1azoKxA
  2. https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmPjZsjttKmt3GE6UaFb8u1kzED6FZv7DqJTwhNVhEt3eU