Schrödinger pubsub. It is here and it is not

I am confused. Can someone explain how such thing is possible? Only hint I can provide is that ipfs daemon is running under different user. Debian Linux.

$ ipfs version
ipfs version 0.4.22
$ ipfs pubsub sub foo
Error: experimental pubsub feature not enabled. Run daemon with --enable-pubsub-experiment to use.
$ ipfs pubsub ls
Error: experimental pubsub feature not enabled. Run daemon with --enable-pubsub-experiment to use.
$ ps xa | grep ipfs
15069 pts/1    Sl+   52:26 ipfs daemon --enable-pubsub-experiment
25382 pts/0    S      0:00 su - ipfs
28706 pts/0    S+     0:00 grep ipfs
$ echo "foobar" | ipfs add 
added QmRgutAxd8t7oGkSm4wmeuByG6M51wcTso6cubDdQtuEfL QmRgutAxd8t7oGkSm4wmeuByG6M51wcTso6cubDdQtuEfL
 7 B / 7 B [==================================================================================================================================================] 100.00%
$ ipfs pubsub sub foo
Error: experimental pubsub feature not enabled. Run daemon with --enable-pubsub-experiment to use.
$ set | grep IPFS


$ ipfs id
	"ID": "QmWZoGqvaVh2U77FmUS78qtnqAoLsvoHC2P6dPehm2ZxCu",
	"PublicKey": "CAASpgIwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQC0+sDa1iwfKREiD+S8GcGbyEjXrt5mf8zpCS/tEWYqhZHiKJjdBPZIJFubTThBf2XMxn3HoEzrzaHIAGwNwYGCzEsmZSVfPJkO9Jq01SY+7BmDf4VUmwSaD5xZ0aLyaDReh1+r+xwwv/87IqlUy+4/tXBocVzB7vHtgCFEGvwqxza80DgmG/ZZskiI167B93ktqlAU4rLAWZ0V8nalL55nDzOpJeIOCnW4+43/CxBzupALw87WaQGnAmHP8z1R8PtpBnzlMQHo/Gi4A5BLW39PyKGjqlhc8YkDQa1fsJkxXiZxuOD+Xf+V8EJNkuyckPhfbRh+eakQkHpA9+nhqnNnAgMBAAE=",
	"Addresses": null,
	"AgentVersion": "go-ipfs/0.4.22/",
	"ProtocolVersion": "ipfs/0.1.0"

Look at Addresses. This is empty.

After setting variable
$ export IPFS_PATH=/home/tonu/.ipfs

Things work. I am still puzzled why IPFS did not found daemon on localhost port 4001 and similar.

EDIT: Understood now. There is an .ipfs directory with config in default path but no daemon runs off this config.

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