My hosted web is not working properly

After I hosted my website in IPFS, it wasn’t showing some components and when I checked the console, it showed me the following errors:

[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 () (pets.json, line 0)

[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 () (Adoption.json, line 0)

Because I have added all my directory but I don’t know how to fix the issue

The paths you listed are not associated with that CID

❯ ipfs ls QmWzZ2x9tWHxRESmYVdktLGVGKqaFCyq2chkBrjZwMBjec --resolve-type=false --size=false # flags passed to make the lookup a bit faster
QmbiFR8ydGCn9jgScvDHhtMxDoh5DuTDeL57BCsqyUd2TA box-img-lg.png
QmWV5fcDAvBNRy2GaN7tP64XUP27iAg3FhXiB1HtWPkZeC box-img-sm.png
QmbQxip7JFpRobjgepTukv3T7saPu6nJCfCA94Tw2ZoYGb bs-config.json
QmVy1ykpWetXoqjqjwGdhjDd6xTDwhyMBZHHPL5nRWwHNP build
QmYXHNayfwJtZ8j7nUMFKc3Th5ebDz74HLuVgFrF6Hpfdq contracts
QmZ1SKEoN8NwViTL665RYivuiv62br3UJqChneakxDKoGo migrations
QmQVqteEnQVy2siRxogWC9YppNLvXECVxQLgpAu8rezkhu node_modules
QmcJZXZMEdUZfAybVtDta2G5AvTeRnZ7Fs3fMewPZwxEW8 package-lock.json
QmY7Vo8SGD2cVVvaL8hARNSh1w22qpi6KapoMskDCVNzH5 package.json
QmcTrPp7SMmFqdzYV3Vn957M8B6kDtP5i5qqJFc3UFjZAV src
QmcyiQaZ3mFnfBXaXNmMzegxxQ3nLsSFkF12hWCuKRcWiW test
QmcHhhTdwFkj5YoPm4reQsoUdhgGaY4AVCkiYSRApeaHDX test.js
QmSjqJrQrvRr3Mu8G8DKkz59whmVEpFhiv1XPCqEeN5Qkz truffle-config.js

Note that pets.json doesn’t exist.


❯ ipfs ls QmWzZ2x9tWHxRESmYVdktLGVGKqaFCyq2chkBrjZwMBjec/src --resolve-type=false --size=false
QmQfwrATTrJc1aTN1dVu9K7nQ5rw67np8yg46EvAbqKEZw css
Qmb3fJpXVGvUnNeRLC3P5sTXMzjpf5zq4tKt9XjhtYFf1k fonts
QmQo4AjSx9JkNsHa3nRqxtryx6iGHmqGprhm2ic2MztW3Y images
QmRgLU31xJHNmGRXRxPdjG51kRmnYbQGWxYcBD7gtfH7Lm index.html
QmQ1vM2CdeDt1ZGAfxwML6PXPG2Hi6exvHdi6Hbhzv1kza js
QmZKHAuYoeAjHqfhi2jJaELDfMBj6dtydz7UsZv3BPaon8 pets.json

Found pets.json, but there’s no Adoption.json there.

Side note: I don’t think your data is reachable over the public internet (at least the only node I could find advertising QmWzZ2x9tWHxRESmYVdktLGVGKqaFCyq2chkBrjZwMBjec was unreachable).

You can use for some debugging to figure out if your peer (addresses available from ipfs id) and CID are going to be discoverable from your machine.

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