Migration reverse? Need help Dameon won't start

Initializing daemon…
go-ipfs version: 0.4.23-
Repo version: 7
System version: amd64/darwin
Golang version: go1.13.7
Error: Your programs version (7) is lower than your repos (9).
Please update ipfs to a version that supports the existing repo, or run

a migration in reverse.


how did you upgrade? From the other comment, it seems you are using IPFS Desktop. IPFS Desktop for 0.5.0 has not been released yet (it’s on the works).

It seems that you installed a newer go-ipfs manually and now you are trying to start the old go-ipfs with Desktop (?).

Options are:

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Ok. thanks. the desktop is working. I just learned about IFPS this week. Thanks for the reply.

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