Ipfs dynamic content like cms

IPFS is more like FTP than HTTP. You can use a static site generator like Jekyll or Hugo (see Any one publishing a jekyll blog on ipfs). You can also export a site from your CMS statically like @dealancer said. IPNS takes a few seconds/minutes to resolve, but it’s cached locally. If it’s still too slow, you can publish the site to IPNS, and put a link to the IPNS hash somewhere on the page (for example labelled Update). You then give people the regular IPFS hash. Here is an example of this. It doesn’t work right now, but you can see the principle behind where you click “load latest tracker” to refresh the page. But I’ve never found IPNS to be that slow.

ZeroNet works similarly to IPFS. You can’t have a CMS site on ZeroNet, the pages there are static too.