IPFS Cluster pinning problem (solved)

I have two running IPFS daemons on two Raspberry Pis with Raspbian in the same subnet. I followed the inctructions (https://cluster.ipfs.io/documentation) and successfully set up a IPFS cluster with a fixed peerset. With “ipfs-cluster-ctl peers ls” i can see both peers. The problem is that the peers dont sync their pins. I successfully pinned both peers with “ipfs-cluster-ctl pin add CID” but at they never finished pinning their files.
“ipfs-cluster-ctl status” still shows:
Peer CID1: PINNING | 2018-07-21T08:25:01Z
Peer CID2: PINNING | 2018-07-21T08:33:35Z
Peer CID1: PINNING | 2018-07-21T08:25:01Z
Peer CID2: PINNING | 2018-07-21T08:33:35Z

“ipfs-cluster-ctl pin ls”
CID1| | Repl. Factor: -1 | Allocations: [everywhere]
CID2| | Repl. Factor: -1 | Allocations: [everywhere]

I tried:

  • restarted all daemons and even the Pis
  • removed all pins and pinned new files on both ipfs daemons
  • set up a cluster via bootstrap
    but the result was the same.
    “ipfs pin ls” still shows nothing on the second peer.
    Im not sure if this is a bug or im doing something wrong :-/.

update: I had to pin the files with “ipfs-cluster-ctl pin add HASH” and not the peers. I thought the cluster would auto sync everything.


yes, you need to pin content, like you do in IPFS. I don’t know where you got the idea of pinning the peer CID. As no providers exist for that CID, it won’t be possible to pin it.

If you want to sync everything, do something like ipfs pin ls --type=recursive -q | xargs -n1 ipfs-cluster-ctl pin add --ns to add your ipfs pinset to cluster.