Ipfs-cluster and nodes questions?

  1. In case cluster nodes have not same data storage size.
  1. Does "ipfs add " must be run on node Raft leader or any nodes can add data to cluster?

  2. In case of NAT between nodes and no router port forwarding is done. Is it a problem for ipfs-cluster?
    (EDIT : Related to Peer behind a firewall )

  3. Does Private networks creates new network interfaces (like VPN) or is it just config restriction?

  4. I would like to experiment CJDNS (on Raspberry Pi devices). Anyone have ever succeed in combining it with IPFS?

No. The notion of a Raft leader belongs to Cluster internals. To the outside, every peer is the same.

The problem is the same as for every peer 2 peer application and not cluster-specific. Cluster, like ipfs, uses libp2p. If connections cannot cross NATs things won’t work. We are tracking some efforts here Improve experience with NAT'ed/Firewalled peers · Issue #614 · ipfs-cluster/ipfs-cluster · GitHub

Private networks is a libp2p feature that wraps encrypts all libp2p traffic with an additional pre-shared-key. It does not create network interfaces. It just prevents any meaninful communication to happen with peers not configured with that pre-shared key.

This I’m not sure, but it should probably work.

Mixing with Textile seems to do the job of asking remote pinning

I have configured a node as a gateway (one of the all pinning node).
As files are added and CID changed everytime, using ipfs name publish <New_CID> should update gateway URL.
Do I need subpub or something like it to sync “LinkDNS” changes?

It seems ipfs swarm peers command on NAT node could initialize reverse connections from public nodes…?