Intro to our project - Looking to implement IPFS

We consider using Piñata to easily create and manage content on IPFS. Temporal is another, interface we consider. We just signed up for dappkit and we just discovered “Simple As Water” …

Wondering if there’s anyone in this community who has time to have a quick chat about our IPFS usecase for our tokenized directory that rewards users for crowdsourcing places to Live The Life

Here’s a quick intro to our project:

“The main feature of the app is to let visual storytellers list hip hotels and cool places to live the good life. The end-user can discover these hand-picked places based on their geolocation. They can read why we listed it, get directions and make a reservation.”

“The possibility for all community members to pitch in and basically to operate the content is exciting. Creating a reward-based system for ambassadors in a way that does not jeopardise their impartiality and trustworthiness, is our mission.”

“Imagine going into a restaurant and find that the photos aren’t doing a good job at reflecting the vibe. You upload a great photo and get rewards for it. LTL will offer incentives in the form of tokens for verifying content. Think of it as a sort of mining where community participants ‘mine’ tokens by contributing to the success and quality of the platform.”

“As we lean into building deeper relationships with participants and stakeholders, we’re looking to do this using programmable equity. With customized rights and restrictions, we can expand the definition of employee equity to include anyone who helps drive your business as on your team - customers, business partners, community members, etc. We tip with BAT on GitHub!”

Sounds like a great project and a very cool use case for IPFS. We over here at Temporal always like to help out anyone in the space who is looking to utilize so if you have any questions be sure to join our telegram as we can help make things easy

We appreciate you considering Temporal for this and feel it would be a great option as we have have some of the cheapest pricing around for pinning services at $.05/GB for partners and clients, plus we are 50% percent cheaper then digital ocean block storage. Secondly we have one of the most full featured pinning service, you can view all our functions here


Thanks a lot, really good article on Medium and joined TG quickly after.

What aspects exactly were you planning on using IPFS for?
Storing photos? Storing all of the data
Have you decided what sort of token system you plan to build the more transactional elements on? I would imagine will want maximize flexibility around tokens and your ability to issue and define a myriad of ways to “spend” them to meet your goals. Hopefully that logic can live in the application your building rather than entirely be locked in complicated smart contracts.
The project will have some interesting both incentive design and technical aspects.
I am the product guy for a flexible DLT that might be a good fit called Tupelo (
That said would love a chance to talk to you about how you are planning to put it together and offer potential advice if you are up for it. Its always good to understand how the tools that exist fit or don’t with interesting decentralized projects like this!


  1. Drop Pinata and other centralized soft
  2. Integrate IPFS
  3. Profit :grinning: