Idea for using IPFS with interactive story telling

Yes it would be nice, but it clearly needs a great deal of development still … wonderful concept, but lacking a fair few bells and whistles that the average consumer not only expects but needs

Sorry, I just realized there were down arrows on some of the posts.

If I’m understanding you correctly, you’re wanting to build a type of location-based linking system, which provides augmented interaction – like Ingress – and project involvement incentive, by rewarding people for their contributions to local projects (like open source bounties) based on hyper or real location?

While also matching them to projects they’re suited to contribute to, and minimizing third-party investment biases?

You then want to expand the system perpetually, by building on previous projects within the system?

Maybe it’s just the language, that’s better, but only part of it and not quite how I’d word it … I’ve only just woken up so give me a while and I’ll reply with some more