How to calculate Cid locally?

how can i calculate cid locally .
like below

i only find js repo. is there any java implement?

is there anyone help?

what about this GitHub - ipfs-shipyard/java-ipfs-http-client: A Java implementation of the HTTP IPFS API ?

You get all ipfs commands over the http

i need calculate my file CID hash locally. rather than through http api.
so i neednā€™t upload to ipfs node to save internet traffic

oh in that case why donā€™t you see the implementations of the CID itself GitHub - multiformats/cid: Self-describing content-addressed identifiers for distributed systems you can use it without the ipfs.

You need this:

i believe he needs the Java version and he listed that repo already.

Iā€™m failing to understand is this about calculating the CID or using the offline capability of the ipfs. if itā€™s just about the CID you can create it from any buffer.

any example code for calculate CID from buffer.
iā€™m not familiar with java

you need to use multihash then pass that into the CID constructor. Check this >> GitHub - multiformats/js-cid: CID implementation in JavaScript

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I worked a bit on this StackOverflow answer, and created the minimal standalone implementation in Go that recreates the CID v1 for the specified file. I am not so familiar with Go, so it is just a minimal viable example.

Hello, this is wrong. It works by chance on small files with raw-cid encoding but nothing else. iirc from my quick look, it chunks and then writes all the chunks to a buffer and hashes that, so chunking happens for nothing. Chunks are not used to build a dag or anything.

The reference implementation of adding is: kubo/core/coreunix/add.go at master Ā· ipfs/kubo Ā· GitHub

There are multiple gotchas around folders etc but for single files they would still need a DAG-builder, like done here: kubo/core/coreunix/add.go at master Ā· ipfs/kubo Ā· GitHub

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Thanks @hector, really, it does not build DAG as it should be done. I made this example just to see that for smaller linear data areays it would work. Anyhow, it should be very good to have a tool to chunk the data and visualize CID, and possibly, next the resulting DAG. I guess, all the people who cares about persistence, would want this. As I said, I am not so familiar with Go, so for now I only could do a request through the issue on the repository. :sparkles:

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@Jorropo this is confusing not to have a link to Github for this tool on the page. Is there a repository?

I would still like to have it standalone and offline, so could you point me to any related code?

I donā€™t know where the source for lives.

boxo and helia have examples on how to add files.
To get the CID you create the unixfs dag but write the blocks to /dev/null (*in practice you donā€™t write them anywhere).
Here is the implementation of that feature inside kubo ipfs add --only-hash:

The code is exactly the same as ipfs add but it inject mock / null storage which donā€™t store anything anywhere.

Here is where the boxo example add the file:

nd.Cid() is the info you want, then you can use an implementation of the storage which doesnā€™t store anything.

@hector could you point us? Still cannot find it

@hector @Jorropo I have updated my repository involving Boxo in a proper(?) way. I will be very appreciated if you have a quick look at it. The code is very simple, and it allows us to recreate CIDv1 with default DAG builder settings. Would be glad to hear about the underwater stones I did not see.

Probably here GitHub - ipfs-shipyard/ipfs-dag-builder-vis: See how the DAGs get built

It looks OK to me, it should produce the same CIDs as Kubo, this is easily testable with a few big and small files.

It does, cause I tried to keep all the defaults. Thank you for having a look!