EnableAutoRelay documentation is super confusing

In addition to the general impression that the documentation on EnableRelayHop is presented in a super confusing way. It gives a description for only three of the possible four configuration settings making me wonder what exactly the fourth setting does.

EnableAutoRelay: false, EnableRelayHop: false => isnā€™t really explicit but itā€™s kind of obvious that it turns everything off

EnableAutoRelay: true, EnableRelayHop: false => use public relays

EnableAutoRelay: true, EnableRelayHop: true => act as a public relay

But what about

EnableAutoRelay: false, EnableRelayHop:true => ???

My best guess is it acts as a public relay but will not use other public relays itself but Iā€™m guessing here.

Itā€™s also a little confusing the statement ā€œThis option [EnableAutoRelay] does two very different things based on the Swarm.EnableRelayHopā€ but does it really operate any differently and is it this setting thatā€™s causing that difference unless the unspecified combination works differently than Iā€™ve speculated.

the EnableAutoRelay option will be removed next version :slight_smile:

I just thought it was confusing. You didnā€™t have to shoot it in the head. Poor EnableAutoRelay :slight_smile:

Is something taking its place or is the whole idea of autoRelay going away?

Itā€™s not you :smiley:

It is replaced by something else:

Btw about :

EnableAutoRelay: false, EnableRelayHop:true => ???

I belive this enable relays but donā€™t advertise you as one, or in other words it makes you a ā€œprivateā€ relay.

With this option random people wont use you as a relay, if they want to use you as relay they would need to add this listen like this (where Qmfoo is your peerid), it might be slightly different itā€™s a feature very rarely used. :
