Dependence on SSL

I’ve seen IPFS presented as (fully?) decentralized/ independent network and such.
I don’t know all the implementation details of protocols. So can someone give an evaluation?
Q: How tolerant IPFS is to SSL denial? if e.g. all primary SSL authorities are firewalled? Can all IPFS vital parts work without (centralized) SSL infrastructure? Can it still be reliable/safe/maybe encrypted?

IPFS doesn’t use SSL to my knowlege.
It uses tls1.3, noise or secio for connection encryption.

all primary SSL authorities are firewalled

IPFS doesn’t use any authorities, peer IDs (public key hashes) and public key are directly stored in the DHT.

Can all IPFS vital parts work without (centralized) SSL infrastructure

They already don’t use it.

Can it still be reliable/safe/maybe encrypted?

IPFS encrypts connection with anyone but the when you download a file it will literaly tell to everyone who wants to know that he have this file. If privacy is a concern for you, you should look about anonymised transport layer (Tor, I2P) (still wip, but I do work on this at berty, GitHub - berty/go-libp2p-tor-transport: 🚧 WIP: tor transport for libp2p).

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