Adressing mutable content

So after your comments the only advantages I see for the system I explained are:

  • Ability to link a mutable page to any page without needing to update the link should the linked page be changed. [1]
  • Ability to group pages under one key. [2]
  • Should the version system be implemented, by able to see every pages / ressources this “page hash” used to point to. (Updated the version system part on the first message)

The issue if you host a website is that you need a new folder with files for every page you have that might change.

I think it would be nice to have some documentation about IPNS, because I don’t think I fully understand it and what it offers. But from what I understand, it is too much linked to the node to be a system used to point to mutable content. This link helped me understand a bit more about it but I am still not confident with the subject. If you have any links about the way it will eventually work, feel free to send them.

[1] Also you could have an IPNS adress for each page, you still need to update the DHT table every 12 hours.
[2] With IPNS you have one keypair for each page (not exactly sure about this one).